It's getting down to the wire. The con is so close I can taste it. And today, we had doctor's appointment. Ha! That has nothing to do with the con, but it was significant nonetheless. They changed Ray's insulin to a longer acting kind. So we're excited about seeing how well it works. He was also down 9 pounds from his last appointment!
After the appointment, it was time to get down to the business of shopping for food and sundries for the con. Once home, we had a facials, manicures, and pedicures to look our best for the con. Sadly, I turned about to be slightly allergic to the facial mask that I used, so my face is hot and broken out right now, but I put some hydrocortisone on it, and I may have to take a Benadryl before I go to bed, but this is why I decided to do it a couple of days early, just in case.
Oh, well. You live; you learn. Excelsior!
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