Saturday, November 7, 2015

Countdown to Con: 7!

     We saved up for Halloween and birthdays. We've saved up for Christmas. We've saved up for tickets, but we've haven't saved up much for anything at the actual convention. It's time to make a little extra spending money.

     Ray and I have started  new project together called Species Spotlight. It's a supplement for the White Star RPG. It's basically a small book that focuses on an original (or at least blatantly stolen, with the serial numbers filed off and given a new paint job) alien, its featured class, and it's favored space ship designed by Ray. All artwork and space ship designs are done by Ray. I'm more the idea person. It's a fun project, and if you're interested in purchasing it, you can do so here.

     If you need a great villain for your SF game, or you want to play a young alien looking to take over a planet, the Abbhoran species is just the right one for you, and this book contains everything you need to play or go up against one of these vile creatures. It also includes the Tyrant class and a detailed deck plan of an Abbhoran yacht.

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